八月的時候 我第一次住了紅點 從一開始就覺得處處都有小驚喜 非常經豔 像個小孩子一樣阿個不停
從大門口開始就很多小驚喜 設計感隨處可見 設計人應該會很喜歡的地方
連浴室的盥洗用具都做成carry bag的樣子 還有房間都有咖啡機 我可以在早上有熱騰騰的咖啡可以喝
另外 我一定要誇獎這個床 超級舒服的!!! We have stayed in 52 hotel and hotel one before but we both agree the bed is more comfortable!
這個時鐘我們真的很喜歡 唯一缺點是晚上會一直閃 We do like the design of the clock, the annoying part is it won't stop shinning in the night time (when you are used to sleep in the dark with no any lights on), so we have to face it down.
早餐部分 餐廳是在B1 我很喜歡整個工業設計感 it's a small and knit kitchen, more like fancy brunch place instead of hotel breakfast space
老實說 buffett上的選擇不多 大概就圖片所見
這是其中之ㄧ主餐是松露炒蛋跟文青山明治? 三明治好好吃 我愛 不過想想看
這次住了兩天 因為隔天ㄧ大早就起床 來不及吃有請飯店外帶我懂其他附餐小東西不能外帶
但是 外帶的法國水果吐司竟然沒有附蜂蜜 咬一口 ...無味!!!
This is the first experience and opinion of our first stay, we went back in Oct and stayed two nights again. haha
第二次造訪是十月,跟八月一樣,停留兩天,但是只有拍食物。另外兩天我們選擇入住長榮台中(Evergreen Laurel Hotel)
長榮不愧是元老級飯店 舒適度及空間都讓我們很滿意 是廁所附贈的歐舒丹沐浴組就整個收買我的心 還有房間空間也很大 很舒適 雖然價格上比紅點貴一些些,真的只有貴一些些。
We enjoy our stay in Evergreen Laurel Hotel, it's classical hotel with big room space which we do enjoy very much and also I love the bathroom shower kit is L'Occitane en Provence.
Since our booking this time is not include breakfast, so we can't really compare.
If we can choose again, we would go for Evergreen!
but our goal is different hotel every time!
It's affordable with some amazing details I love about and around the corner is Taiwanese famous night market.