在五月底我們很突然的決定了日本行 大概從成行到出發日只有兩個禮拜吧
因為工程師在日本工作 所以工作完後 可以到東京跟我會合
所以 這趟變成我難得的自由行
說難的是因為除了以前出差去玩 跟團之外 我很不喜歡自由行
所以美國 瑞士 德國 捷克都是沒有做功課的
就是因為懶惰 但是呢
票買了之後 不管怎樣 我還是在一天之內就把行程全部打好
因為工程師原本已經在日本了 所以 我只要飛過去跟他會合 然後 我們再去玩
這次也是第一次廉航體驗 (其實也不能說是第一次 因為我在澳洲境內做過虎航 然後還浪費掉了三趟機票錢) 我買的是香草的機票 大概在8000塊台幣左右
總之 非不得已 我是不喜歡廉航
出去玩嗎 何必要這麼辛苦
This trip to Tokyo was decide very quickly since my bf is in Japan for work, so after he finish his job, he can just met me in Tokyo and we can do our trip.
Since this is such short day for prepare, I checked online and bought cheap airline (Vanilla air), the price was not that big difference compare to the normal airline, but I guess it's due to the timing was almost summer vacation and close date.
Just I really don't like cheap airline if I have better choice, to traveling for me is to be able to enjoy so I won't even enjoy being backpacker.
I need to be comfortable..
Anyway, after some research, I have organized the schedule for 5 days 4 night during our trip.
And he will be responsible of how to get to the each spot. (since he is more good at map and it's boring job for me .. hahaha)
行程如下 (紅色是修改部分) 然後 我們的第三天跟第四天行程有對調
這幾天的移動都是用3 day pass + 1 day pass 剩下的一天就是直接買票
當初是計畫在星期六(第三天)去迪士尼 因為那天人比星期日少
Our schedule is as following, there're English and Chinese part since I need to check schedule with him as well.
The marked red part is we didn't have chance to go this time, and we have also switch day 3 and day 4 schedule when we were in JP.
Day 1 Toshogu Shrine上野東照宮(沒去) - Ueno Park上野花園 (沒去)- 阿美橫町Ameya
Day 2 晴空塔 Sky Tree lazy egg- 淺草雷門 Kaminarimon- 龜有公園 Katsushika(沒去) - 新宿Shinjuku+新宿都聽夜景 (shops open late) (激安殿堂)DonkiHote
Day 3 Tokyo Disneyland 入園人數查詢
Day 4 六本木 Roppongi, Minato, Tokyo- ハーブス 六本木ヒルズ店 (HARBS)-表參道 - 明治神宮 Meiji Shrine- 原宿 Harajuku (布丁狗咖啡廳) +銀座Ginza
Day 3 &Day 4 switch
Day 5 築地 Tsukiji- 台場 Odaiba (沒去)- 銀座Ginza
5/29 Arrive in 11ish am but when we actually hit to the city of Tokyo is already 2 pm.
第一天抵達機場是11點多 但是真正到了市區也已經是下午兩點多 而且下著雨
所以 先去飯店吃飯 然後直奔阿美橫町
因為我是路痴阿 總比把我弄丟了還好 工程師會日文 所以跟他會合之後一切的溝通 買票如何移動我都不用過問 不用煩惱
住宿是在http://www.jalan.net/ 訂
一天約2400台幣 兩人一室 不含早餐
We stayed in APA HOTEL during this visit, it's was very nice and convenient.
The price for two people per room is about 2400 NTD per day (do not include breakfast)
But since you can always find something good in Japan, so we are actually happy about it so that we can try more local meal.
還有我們住宿的地方離金之助很近 走路大概20分鐘到 當天我們就有先走去看
結果大排長龍 我們實在是不想排隊 因為好不容易都到了日本 不想浪費時間排隊
直接吃完午餐 移動到阿美橫町 他對我狂逛藥妝店很不解 又有點不開心
奇怪耶 大家都在買
另外 我發現這裡的藥妝店才不是最便宜的 原宿的才是
5/30 Day 2 行程就是sky tree+(買迪士尼的票)+ 雷門+新宿看夜景+ 激安買東西
Sky tree的門票一個人是2060Yen 但是 我覺得可以略過就略過
也可以上網先訂票 會比較貴 去到那就不用排隊 但是 我們也沒排很長 不到十分鐘吧
最特別的是3F 咖啡屋有出蛋黃哥的餐點
東西一點都不好吃 只有可愛 畢竟這說起來也只是小攤子
很像大阪燒加蛋黃哥頭這份是500 YEN
另外方形的是玉子燒壽司就這樣一塊是250 YEN
大阪燒那份 底下的蛋都是焦黑的 (從圖可以看到黑黑) 所以吃起來還會苦苦的
The 3rd floor of the sky tree building, you will find the lazy egg meal, the egg with crepe thing cost 500 yen, the egg sushi is 250 yen.
This is like small food stand, so you can't expect much about the taste of the food.
See my picture below, the egg was even burned, and taste bitter.
之後 我們便去尋找disney的店要買門票 但是裡面商場很大 所以一直找不到 工程師不肯問人
然後 兩人耗了一陣子 才問到迪士尼的店
他很蜿蜒 要走到最最裡面 彎來彎去
到了之後 對方說他們沒再賣了 (後來上官網查 發現有一些店家銷售日已經都提前結束) 可能是官網布在某些點持續販賣票
這邊的小姐告訴我們要去別的店買 我剛剛問工程師 他說是Shinjuku (印象中是大葉高島屋)
我們決定晚上去買 先去雷門 逛
原先這天我也想說要排和服體驗 可以我當天熱到 非常躁鬱
逛完都下午了 因為我穿的鞋子 實在很不方便行走
所以 這站完之後 我們先回飯店換鞋子 換包包 之後就去新宿
After sky tree, we checked Kaminarimon area and walked around the shops and temple.
It was very hot day and so much to check about.
We spend quite lots time here and then we decide to head back to hotel to change shoes, my wedge is killing me for walking all day.
![]() |
冰激林超好吃 |
When we arrive the Disney shop in Takashimaya dpt for the tickets.
The lady told us it's all sold out even we have offer in the different date.
But the lady has offer other option as open ticket, this kind of ticket don't guarantee the enter of Disneyland, if there're too many people and even you have the open ticket right in the gate, Disney have the right to say no to you.
Then she said if we can arrive in the gate 30 mins before the opening, we will have no problem.
So we took it.
到了之後 小姐告訴我們 全部都賣光了
但是 他們有open ticket 所謂open ticket就是不能保證入場 但是 一年內有效
也就是如果當天人數太多 就算你到了門口 拿著票 迪士尼還是可以拒絕讓你進去
售票小姐跟我們說 只要在開園前半小時準時到排隊 就可以進去
於是 我們就買了open ticket
After the ticket purchasing, we went to Metro building for night view.
You can take elevator to 45F for the free night view.
While my bf is busy taking photo and I was checking the small booth there, suddenly whole building is shaking...
big shaking...
so there's earthquake..
I guess it's not common for Westerner, I saw one girl look like crying from being scare.
買完票後 直奔新宿都聽看夜景 這時候八點多 正當工程師忙著拍照 我忙著逛裡面的小攤時
很大的震動 尤其我們在45樓看夜景真的超有感
很多西方人沒碰過地震 嚇到快哭了
我們在地震結束後 還一直待在這(待了兩個多小時)
日本人很小心警慎 確保都安全 我們才用走樓梯的到20樓 然後換電梯下去
地震新聞 http://www.latimes.com/world/asia/la-fg-japan-quake-20150530-story.html
一堆人席地而坐等指揮 |
不過沒關西 這家是24小時的
因應最新退稅政策 只要滿5000YEN 就可以以免稅額結帳
至於退稅商品的事情 我們又有蠢事發生 花了額外錢 之後就再補充
- 起點: JR 新宿駅東口
- 需時:6 分鐘
- 地址:新宿區歌舞伎町1-16-5
Tokyo Is The Place To Go! more
See what's lattitude of matticus have to say (from the perspective of Westerner)